The 5 Most Common Injuries in Self-Defense Situations

5 common self defense injuries

This world is a rough-and-tumble one, and it rarely fights fair.

Even if you think you’re the most peaceful and tranquil person alive, you might find yourself thrust into a situation where physical tussling can become necessary at any time.

And as we all know, when you fight, you could get injured.

Here are five of the most common self-defense injuries, from the most severe to relatively benign.

Blunt Force Trauma

Of all the possible injuries, blunt force trauma can be one of the most worrisome.

Injuries to the head can cause concussions and other potentially life-threatening conditions.

Nobody – and I mean no one  – in this whole wide world appreciates being hit in the head or body with a blunt object.

Blunt-force trauma victims need to immediately seek the help of trained medical personnel before conditions worsen.

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Human Bite Wounds

Bites are another possible outcome of self-defense actions and can be just as urgent as blunt force injuries.

Not only are bite marks unseemly and downright gruesome when infected, a resulting infection can pose serious health risks, complications. and even fatal repercussions.

Bites should not be taken lightly under any circumstances and should be treated immediately. First of all, disinfect and cover the wound.

Fortunately, victims may find themselves with built-in evidence in the form of dental records.

Image credit: WikiHow

Puncture Wounds

Entrance and exit wounds ramp up the urgency and gravity yet again, as these particular wounds are left exclusively by objects that have penetrated the skin, such as bullets or blades.

In addition to the sheer trauma inflicted by wounds such as these, victims risk bleeding out if medical attention isn’t sought immediately.

Also, any object that enters the body can bring dirt, bacteria, and viruses with it, so antiseptics and/or antibiotics may be needed.

Image credit: Want That

Neck Injuries

Your neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of your body. It doesn’t have a lot of muscles protecting it, and it supports your body’s most vital organ – the brain – as well as the spinal cord.

It’s an unfortunate truth that the neck all too frequently finds itself at risk in a hostile situation.

Bruises around the neck are signs of asphyxiation, meaning that, at one point, the victim was strangled.

Image credit: Pinterest

Broken/Missing Teeth

When going toe to toe against a foe, one’s first instinct may be to bring teeth into the fray.

Unfortunately, if your goal is to defend yourself, you might find yourself with a case of tooth damage.

Tooth damage can range from fractures to complete removal of a tooth  – and anything in between.

Later, when you’re safe, it may not seem worth it in the end. Dental problems are often painful and expensive, and they affect your looks!

Not only that, your body will heal a muscle, a puncture wound, or a concussion, but your body will never fix your teeth for you.

Image credit: Le Center Dental

There are times when self-defense can be brutal.

It is important to consider these common injuries, so you can take steps to avoid them and protect yourself.

Proper training is paramount to winning a fight without suffering egregious harm. Let Dave Durch train you so that you’ll not only win if the time comes, but you’ll also walk away without needing to visit the nearest emergency room.

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