Why Martial Arts Can Bring Families Together

Families are not always a mom, a dad, and their kids. Sometimes they are made [...]

What You Should Know About Proportionality Before You Fight Back

If you practice self-defense of any kind, you know that you need to be aware [...]

Why It’s Important to Use Self-Defense Techniques Responsibly

Let’s assume you’ve been enrolled in martial arts training for some time now. After your [...]


The 5 Most Common Injuries in Self-Defense Situations

This world is a rough-and-tumble one, and it rarely fights fair. Even if you think [...]

How to Create a Comprehensive Home-Defense Strategy

You invest the time and energy to learn self-defense so you’ll be safe, right? But [...]

Vital Equipment to Guarantee Safe, Realistic Self-Defense Training

Of course, you want to feel safe when walking down the street, right? I mean, really, who [...]

When is Use of Force Legally Justified for Self-Defense?

It is generally assumed that a person can protect themselves from imminent harm if the [...]