Why Every Working Woman Should Learn Martial Arts

When you think of working women, what comes to mind?

Maybe a high-level executive who wears high heels and business dresses as she oversees a team in the office….

Maybe a secretary, factory worker, retail clerk, or even a tradesperson like a plumber or a welder?

Women are all of these things, of course.

When you mention “working woman”, most people don’t generally associate that image with a woman who studies and practices martial arts.

However, martial arts provides plenty of benefits to working women everywhere.

Here are just a few:

Martial Arts Provides an Excellent Workout

Any kicking and striking-based art develops your cardiovascular and muscular systems.

martial arts for working women makes women fitIt’s great for tightening up your core and strengthening arm and leg muscles.

Martial arts are unique in their ability to enhance flexibility which maintains the body’s overall youthfulness better than a typical lifting/cardio machine routine.

Martial arts doesn’t just get you fit, however. It teaches you how to fight.

This is crucial for a woman because women typically can’t exert the sheer muscular strength that the average adult male attacker can.

“Learning how to fight” means something more than a collection of joint locks and pressure point techniques.

It also means throwing a punch thousands of times until your punch becomes a formidable weapon, even against a much larger assailant.

It entails developing muscle memory so that you react automatically before you’ve even had a chance to think about it.

It means getting into fights, even if these are controlled sparring sessions or tournament bouts.

After all, learning how to fight isn’t just about hitting. It’s also about getting hit and coming back.

Many women find this part of martial arts training particularly liberating.

Often, nothing in their experience has given them permission to turn on that switch that releases their inner warrior.

Feel and Look Different

Once a woman has released that part of herself, she feels inwardly different but also radiates something different outwardly.

The cues a predator uses to select his next victim are subtle, almost to the point of being instinctive.

But on the street, the woman trained in martial arts no longer signals that she is prey.

A new self-confidence has emerged, and it shows up in her bearing, her eye contact, and her walk.

I train because it makes every area of my life better, and it makes me better at every area of my life.

Chris Matakas, My Mastery: Learning to Live through Jiu Jitsu

Working women, in particular, benefit from such newly-discovered spiritual resources. Working women are “out there” more, traveling to and from the job, and therefore more likely than homemakers to run into trouble.

But it goes without saying that trouble can also show up in the workplace itself, in the form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment has little to do with desire but often more with sexual power and control. Again, exuding power is often the best repellent.

But if the harasser isn’t the type to take a hint, think what great relief it’d be to know that if you decided to, you could easily kick their teeth in. However, the best course of action would be to report them for their misconduct and show that you’re not going to tolerate that kind of behavior.

Gain More Discipline and Focus

martial arts for working women provides focus discipline and stress reliefYou’ve probably seen the incredible feats and focus of the Shaolin Monks and think, “Well, that has nothing to do with me!”.

Martial arts training is one of the most effective ways to increase your focus, discipline, awareness, and physical prowess. And you don’t need to invest years of dedicated training like the Shaolin monks to reap the benefits.

Increased focus, discipline, awareness, and physical agility can help improve your performance at work or in business. You’ll have more energy which enables you to get more done in less time.

Possibly the best benefit of martial arts for working women is the stress relief it provides.

After a difficult day at work dealing with a bunch of stressful people, situations, demands, and drama, you get to let loose, kick, punch, and expend all that pent-up energy.

It’s cathartic and ultimately relaxing.

If you’d like more information about self-defense, check out our Women’s Self Defense section of our blog! There are some great tips and information to keep in mind in case the worst happens.


Why Every Woman Should Add Martial Arts to Her Fitness Routine

12 Things to Know Before Filing a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

7 Amazing Reasons Why Women Should Do Martial Arts

How Confidence, Entrepreneurial Skills, and Female Leadership Can Impact Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

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