4 Fantastic Female Military Figures To Motivate You Today

4 Fantastic Female Military Figures To Motivate You Today 1

Rarely do we hear the stories of the courageous women who have fought for our country. The stories of these women will inspire you and renew the belief that anything is possible.

Here are the stories of 4 great female veterans (in no particular order):

Dr. Mary Edwards Walker

Mary Walker
Wikimedia Commons
At the beginning of the Civil War, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker went to Washington, D.C. to offer her services as a physician. However, the Army rejected her because she was a woman.

Refusing to give up, Dr. Walker volunteered in many field hospitals before the Army finally accepted her.

Not only did William Tecumseh Sherman commend her for her service, but President Andrew Johnson awarded her the Medal of Honor.

Yeoman Loretta Walsh

Loretta Walsh
Wikimedia Commons

In 1917, Yeoman Loretta Walsh was not only the first woman to enlist in the U.S. Navy, but she was also the first woman to serve in the U.S. armed forces in a non-nursing capacity.

She enlisted at the beginning of America’s involvement in World War I, and like other Yeomanettes (as they were called), she received the same pay as her male counterparts.

She also had the same benefits and responsibilities.

Elsie Ott

Elsie Ott
Wikimedia Commons

Elsie Ott was a nurse who joined the Army Nurse Corps in 1941 and rose to a second lieutenant.

Two years later, she had a pivotal role in the first intercontinental air evacuation, despite the fact that she had never once flown in a plane.

Assigned to the job with only 24 hours notice, Ott served as an in-flight nurse for wounded soldiers traveling from Karachi to Washington, D.C.

For her service, she was the first woman to receive an Air Medal.

Cathay Williams

Cathay Walsh
Wikimedia Commons

Cathay Williams was born a slave in Missouri. When the Civil War broke out, she was captured and impressed to work in a military support role for the 8th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment of the Union Army for the duration of the war.

After the war, there were few job opportunities for African Americans where she lived. One of the few good ones was working for the U.S. Army. Unfortunately, at the time only men could enlist in the army.

But Cathay refused to let this stand in her way. She inverted her name to William Cathay, dressed as a man, and enlisted in the U.S. Army, becoming the first African American woman to serve.


Plenty of women have gone through hardship and have come out stronger for it.

These four brave women have one thing in common: they didn’t let anything get in the way of accomplishing what they wanted.

They are heroes as both soldiers and women.

Hopefully, they can inspire you to take on your own challenges and fight your own personal battles.


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Amazing Women in History | Cathay Williams, American Civil War Soldier

America Comes Alive | Elsie S. Ott

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